
An eco-conscious lifestyle brand for all those who love the sea.
Hey Sea Lover,
Plastic is consuming your life. It's cheap, it's toxic and it's harmful to you and our planet. You use it once, but it stays on earth forever. But then you wonder: "How can I reduce my plastic footprint?"
That's exactly why we started Lovers of The Sea. We want to help you live with less plastic so you can help us keep our oceans clean. We do so by providing you with everyday eco-friendly products that fill you with the pride of living a more natural and sustainable life.
We're based in Canada.
A Story of Love, Between One Man And The Sea
"There is a certain aura that comes from the blue waters: The freedom of the horizon, the energy of the open waves, the warmth of the salty breeze, the vibrance of the sun, the sheer beauty that can be found in the slow and simple natural life... The sea means the world to me. It's my solace. My inspiration. My escape. And that's why I am a lover of the sea."
I fell in love with the Mediterranean Sea the moment I was born.
As a kid, I spent my summers playing on its shores, my winters watching the ferocity of its waves crashing onto land, and the entirety of the year gazing upon its sunsets.
You can imagine then, how a piece of my heart broke when in late 2018, I walked the shores of the Caribbean sea picking up pieces of plastic cutlery, bottle caps, cotton swabs... I was shocked to learn that there are more than 5,000,000,000,000 (5 trillion) pieces of plastic floating in our oceans, and that 8,000,000 more are making their way into the sea every year.
Those numbers scared me and made me wonder how many people are oblivious to humanity's rapidly growing plastic footprint.
That's exactly why I've made it part of my life mission to raise awareness and fight plastic pollution. Because if nothing is done today, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.
Lovers of The Sea is a brand inspired by the sea and it was born out of my love for the sea. The journey began in April 2019 as a movement to curb plastic pollution and inspire sustainable living.
My message is simple: Reducing your plastic footprint implies riding yourself of needless plastic, needless waste, unhealthy habits and living a more conscious life - one as natural as the sea.
- Omar Itani
Sea Lover & Founder